With the holidays coming up there are a lot of technology that will be applied to try to reach as many customers as a company can. Instant gratification is a common act where companies are trying to obtain for consumers. Retailers both in store and online are preparing for the upcoming season. Most consumers constantly on the go, it is projected that more of the sales will be driven from online and mobile. With this being said, companies have to find a way to make a consumer have a good experience while shopping online. This makes a difference on their consumer behavior for future purchases with that company.
Facial Recognition
First, is facial recognition. Not only does this makes it easier to have the customer find and buy things faster, but it especially helps when they know what they want. Every customer wants the checkout process to be as smooth as can be. One way that recently companies adapted to this was facial recognition. Facial recognition has been integrated into systems to confirm and secure payment from the consumer. With phones having this feature it lessens the possibility of losing your customer with a full cart.
Indoor mapping
Next, Indoor mapping is the in store guide to the location of goods. This application wasn’t used for an in store experience. It was originally used to try and reach the consumer to enter the store. Now companies have seen a better outcome of this technology within the store.
This is especially good for consumers who brave the holidays, such as Black Friday. This gives an immediate response to a very hectic situation. This application acts as a “GPS” for consumers to navigate through aisles. This causes less annoyance regarding the experience one gets in a store. This also helps the consumer to see ahead of time if the product they would like to purchase is available. Which could lead a sale online. This benefits both markets. According to a study, there are about “67.3 percent of people because they couldn’t find the product they were looking for.” Using this mapping will give them the direct directions to their product or a general location of things they are looking for.
During the holidays to attract the consumer is all about personalization and convenience. With this new technology hopefully will help retailers and other businesses go through the holidays with ease.